

Karun Josy

  • Login: karun
  • Registered on: 10/02/2018
  • Last sign in: 10/15/2021


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 2 2
Reported issues 1 1 2


Project Roles Registered on
Ceph Developer 10/02/2018
bluestore Developer 10/02/2018
ceph-dokan Developer 11/25/2020
ceph-volume Developer 11/25/2020
CephFS Developer 10/02/2018
cephsqlite Developer 03/19/2021
crimson Developer 11/25/2020
devops Developer 11/25/2020
dmclock Developer 08/13/2020
Linux kernel client Developer 11/25/2020
Messengers Developer 03/12/2019
mgr Developer 10/02/2018
Dashboard Developer 04/22/2021
Orchestrator Developer 01/16/2020
RADOS Developer 10/02/2018
rbd Developer 11/25/2020
nvme-of Developer 07/26/2023
rgw Developer 11/25/2020
cleanup Developer 08/11/2022
rgw-testing Developer 11/25/2020
Stable releases Developer 11/25/2020
Ceph QA Developer 03/14/2024
CI Reporter 10/02/2018
Infrastructure Developer 10/02/2018
sepia Developer 10/02/2018 Developer 10/02/2018
Tools Developer 10/02/2018
paddles Developer 08/16/2021
teuthology Developer 12/04/2020



12:49 PM RADOS Bug #52930 (New): Cannot get 'quorum_status' output from socket file
As per doc[1] if we try to get quorum_status it fails with invalid command.
Is this no longer available in ceph 16.x...
Karun Josy


08:55 AM Ceph Documentation #52410 (Resolved): cephadm: ceph orch ps does not show "MEM LIMIT"
In the document [1] it is mentioned that we can use #ceph orch ps output command to see the memory consumed by OSD da... Karun Josy


05:01 AM CephFS Backport #36308 (In Progress): mimic: doc: Typo error on cephfs/fuse/
Karun Josy

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