

Max Carrara

  • Login: aequitosh
  • Registered on: 11/14/2023
  • Last sign in: 05/24/2024


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Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 1 1



11:46 AM mgr Bug #63529: Python Sub-Interpreter Model Used by ceph-mgr Incompatible With Python Modules Based on PyO3
For reference, I'm currently working on sub-interpreter support for PyO3.
I have no clear idea when it will be fin...
Max Carrara


10:35 AM Ceph Bug #64548: ceph-base: /var/lib/ceph/crash/posted not chowned to ceph:ceph causing ceph-crash to fail
Opened a PR for this, as this was something I've been working on as part of a patch series.
You can find the PR he...
Max Carrara


02:06 PM mgr Bug #63529 (Resolved): Python Sub-Interpreter Model Used by ceph-mgr Incompatible With Python Modules Based on PyO3
Our users noticed that Ceph's dashboard is broken in Proxmox Virtual Environment 8. On a more closer investigation, t... Max Carrara

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