

xiaobao wen

  • Login: xiaobao
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  • Registered on: 04/26/2022
  • Last sign in: 05/14/2024


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 5 0 5



06:52 AM Ceph Bug #66128 (New): osd crash in DynamicPerfStats::add
We encountered ceph osd crash when using ceph rbd. The cluster has been running for a year and a half, and this ...
xiaobao wen


10:04 AM rgw Bug #37668: AbortMultipartUpload causes data loss(NoSuchKey) when CompleteMultipartUpload request timeout
We also encountered a similar problem on v16.2.10.
The s3 index object exists, but it return 404 error when getting ...
xiaobao wen


07:48 AM mgr Bug #59580: memory leak (RESTful module, maybe others?)
We suspect we have encountered similar problems.
About 370GB of memory was consumed in five minutes. Oom ...
xiaobao wen


06:04 AM rgw Bug #63642: rgw: rados objects wrongly deleted
rados object list. shadow_xxxxx.2_3, 2_4 lost... xiaobao wen
06:00 AM rgw Bug #63642: rgw: rados objects wrongly deleted
We checked the s3 user's logs. The multipart upload retries were automatically attempted by the s3-transfer SDK.
xiaobao wen
03:49 AM rgw Bug #63642: rgw: rados objects wrongly deleted
We encountered data loss when using multipart upload. We found that some rados objects were lost.
h2. Logs on prod...
xiaobao wen
03:23 AM rgw Bug #63642 (Pending Backport): rgw: rados objects wrongly deleted
xiaobao wen


03:50 AM Ceph Documentation #63285 (New): update document for `DEBUGGING SLOW REQUESTS`
When we tried to solve the problem of slow requests in the new cluster, we found that the official website documentat... xiaobao wen


06:08 AM rgw Bug #61763: RGW issue sync loop restart master zone
last ~100 lines of log xiaobao wen


03:25 AM rgw Bug #61763: RGW issue sync loop restart master zone
Casey Bodley wrote:
> it's hard to tell what the problem is when all of the rgw logging is disabled by @0/ 0 rgw@. c...
xiaobao wen

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