

Christopher Hoffman

  • Login: choffman
  • Registered on: 11/05/2021
  • Last sign in: 04/22/2024


open closed Total
Assigned issues 27 35 62
Reported issues 28 28 56


Project Roles Registered on
Ceph Developer 12/07/2021
bluestore Developer 12/07/2021
ceph-dokan Developer 12/07/2021
ceph-volume Developer 12/07/2021
CephFS Developer 12/07/2021
cephsqlite Developer 12/07/2021
crimson Developer 12/07/2021
devops Developer 12/07/2021
dmclock Developer 12/07/2021
Linux kernel client Developer 12/07/2021
Messengers Developer 12/07/2021
mgr Developer 12/07/2021
Dashboard Developer 12/07/2021
Orchestrator Developer 12/07/2021
RADOS Developer 12/07/2021
rbd Developer 12/07/2021
nvme-of Developer 07/26/2023
rgw Developer 12/07/2021
cleanup Developer 08/11/2022
rgw-testing Developer 12/07/2021
Stable releases Developer 12/07/2021
Ceph QA Developer 03/14/2024
Infrastructure Developer 12/07/2021
sepia Developer 12/07/2021 Developer 12/07/2021
Tools Developer 12/07/2021
paddles Developer 12/07/2021
teuthology Developer 12/07/2021



10:30 PM CephFS Tasks #65965: fscrypt: git clone xfstests-dev fails
Note 1, is now fixed in Christopher Hoffman
10:29 PM CephFS Tasks #65964 (Resolved): sync read returns empty file on non-fscrypt dir
Now running into: Christopher Hoffman
10:28 PM CephFS Tasks #65964: sync read returns empty file on non-fscrypt dir
In the case of non-fscrypt, bl is an alias for pbl, and it was appending itself to itself.
Christopher Hoffman
08:46 PM CephFS Tasks #64164 (Resolved): verify st_blocks is correct
As fscrypt functionality and non-fscrypt functionality match, I am going to mark this ticket as confirmed/resolved. I... Christopher Hoffman
08:44 PM CephFS Bug #66039 (New): Implement st_blocks to match stat man page
Propose implementing st_blocks to match man 2 stat:
per stat(2)...
Christopher Hoffman
08:32 PM CephFS Tasks #66038: Create workunits for reproducers found in fstest tests
Also include these snippets:... Christopher Hoffman
08:29 PM CephFS Tasks #66038: Create workunits for reproducers found in fstest tests
Christopher Hoffman
08:28 PM CephFS Tasks #66038 (New): Create workunits for reproducers found in fstest tests
Create work units for fstest tasks that had reproducers (ffsb, pjd, dbench). Christopher Hoffman


05:32 PM CephFS Tasks #65965: fscrypt: git clone xfstests-dev fails
Also fails on non-fscrypt dir/tree, but shows symptoms similar to Christopher Hoffman
05:30 PM CephFS Tasks #65965 (In Progress): fscrypt: git clone xfstests-dev fails
git clone xfstests-dev fails on fscrypt enabled dir when client_debug_force_sync_read is set to True.
Steps to rep...
Christopher Hoffman

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