

Nithya Balachandran

  • Login: nithyab
  • Registered on: 08/04/2021
  • Last sign in: 06/14/2023


open closed Total
Assigned issues 2 8 10
Reported issues 1 2 3


Project Roles Registered on
Ceph Developer 02/17/2023
bluestore Developer 02/17/2023
ceph-dokan Developer 02/17/2023
ceph-volume Developer 02/17/2023
CephFS Developer 02/17/2023
cephsqlite Developer 02/17/2023
crimson Developer 02/17/2023
devops Developer 02/17/2023
dmclock Developer 02/17/2023
Linux kernel client Developer 02/17/2023
Messengers Developer 02/17/2023
mgr Developer 02/17/2023
Dashboard Developer 02/17/2023
Orchestrator Developer 02/17/2023
RADOS Developer 02/17/2023
rbd Developer 02/17/2023
nvme-of Developer 07/26/2023
rgw Developer 02/17/2023
cleanup Developer 02/17/2023
rgw-testing Developer 02/17/2023
Stable releases Developer 02/17/2023
Ceph QA Developer 03/14/2024
Infrastructure Developer 02/17/2023
sepia Developer 02/17/2023 Developer 02/17/2023
Tools Developer 02/17/2023
paddles Developer 02/17/2023
teuthology Developer 02/17/2023



02:45 PM rbd Bug #61891: Parent data is not copied up when cloned images are mirrored.
To reproduce this issue, ensure that the clone image is mirrored before it is written to. The issue is not seen if th... Nithya Balachandran


12:25 PM rbd Backport #62113 (In Progress): reef: rbd-mirror: non-primary images not deleted when the primary images are deleted
Nithya Balachandran
12:24 PM rbd Backport #62112 (In Progress): quincy: rbd-mirror: non-primary images not deleted when the primary images are deleted
Nithya Balachandran
12:22 PM rbd Backport #62111 (In Progress): pacific: rbd-mirror: non-primary images not deleted when the primary images are deleted
Nithya Balachandran


11:37 AM rbd Bug #61891: Parent data is not copied up when cloned images are mirrored.
As the RBD mirroring performs incremental deep copies, only a subset of the snap_ids is sent to theObjectList...
Nithya Balachandran
11:30 AM rbd Bug #61891 (In Progress): Parent data is not copied up when cloned images are mirrored.
Steps :
Set up 2 ceph clusters for rbd mirroring.
$ bin/rbd --cluster site-a create -s 8M data/src1
$ bin/rbd -...
Nithya Balachandran


04:59 AM rbd Bug #61672: rbd-mirror: non-primary images not deleted when the primary images are deleted
Sequence of logs when the image is deleted:
Nithya Balachandran


01:11 PM rbd Bug #61672 (Resolved): rbd-mirror: non-primary images not deleted when the primary images are deleted
Racing calls to InstanceReplayer->release_image() and ImageReplayer->handle_bootstrap() in the non-primary rbd mirror... Nithya Balachandran


11:23 AM rbd Backport #58764 (In Progress): pacific: [rbd-mirror] incorrect syncing_percent in get_replay_status
Nithya Balachandran
11:22 AM rbd Backport #58763 (In Progress): quincy: [rbd-mirror] incorrect syncing_percent in get_replay_status
Nithya Balachandran

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