

Enno Gotthold


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 6 6
Reported issues 1 6 7


Project Roles Registered on
Ceph Developer 03/13/2020
bluestore Developer 03/13/2020
ceph-dokan Developer 11/25/2020
ceph-volume Developer 11/25/2020
CephFS Developer 11/25/2020
cephsqlite Developer 03/19/2021
crimson Developer 11/25/2020
devops Developer 11/25/2020
dmclock Developer 08/13/2020
Linux kernel client Developer 11/25/2020
Messengers Developer 03/13/2020
mgr Developer 03/13/2020
Dashboard Developer 04/22/2021
Orchestrator Developer 03/13/2020
RADOS Developer 03/13/2020
rbd Developer 11/25/2020
nvme-of Developer 07/26/2023
rgw Developer 11/25/2020
cleanup Developer 08/11/2022
rgw-testing Developer 11/25/2020
Stable releases Developer 11/25/2020
Ceph QA Developer 03/14/2024
Infrastructure Developer 03/13/2020
sepia Developer 03/13/2020 Developer 03/13/2020
Tools Developer 03/13/2020
paddles Developer 08/16/2021
teuthology Developer 12/04/2020



01:10 PM Dashboard Bug #47111 (Resolved): mgr/dashboard: Use SVGs instead of PNGs for Icons
Currently we use multiple different versions of PNGs which are only different by color. This needs to be adapted to S... Enno Gotthold


07:52 AM Dashboard Cleanup #46870 (New): mgr/dashboard: Replace col-form-* label with something more generic
As per the styles.scss we need to clean up our usages of (cd-)col-form-label since it is thought for sizing horizonta... Enno Gotthold
07:43 AM Dashboard Bug #46869 (Resolved): mgr/dashboard: SCSS modules are breaking our current way of branding the dashboard
As of PR the dashboard branding doesn't work like before.
This means that ...
Enno Gotthold


07:08 AM Dashboard Cleanup #46382 (Resolved): mgr/dashboard: Use a more Bootstrap like approach instead of custom code
Currently we use a ton of different variables to achieve our current optics. Also we use a lot of custom code which c... Enno Gotthold


01:21 PM Dashboard Bug #46255 (Closed): mgr/dashboard: Password Policy Checker gets not shown.
When changing a password the colored bar with the displaying of it's security is not shown. Enno Gotthold


11:32 AM Dashboard Feature #45934 (Resolved): mgr/dashboard: Use SASS's new Modules instead of the old @import
SASS recently announced its new module system (see: This m... Enno Gotthold


01:58 PM Dashboard Feature #44623 (Resolved): Monitoring: Grafana Dashboard per rbd image
Currently in Ceph there is only one summary dashboard available for the complete sum of images which were previously ... Enno Gotthold

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