



Ceph User Committee


The Ceph User Committee (CUC) is a collection of any interested individuals who wish to have a more active role within the Ceph Community. This group of volunteers will work to manage the day-to-day operations and development of the Ceph infrastructure (website, wiki, social media accounts, mailing lists, irc) as well as drive community participation and feedback. This committee will work to ensure that the community’s needs and efforts are appropriately represented to the Ceph Technical Committee and facilitate community development efforts through mentorship, outreach, and engagement.

CUC Chair

The position of CUC Chair is an electable position every 6 months by simple majority vote of current CUC members. The CUC Chair will coordinate all efforts of the committee and ensure that tasks are completed in a timely manner. Upon election the CUC Chair will also have the ability to appoint and confirm a Logistics Administrator to help with the day-to-day logistical needs of the CUC.

CUC Leadership

In addition to the CUC Chair there will also be the following electable positions:
Web admin
Coordinate all development efforts around and the Ceph wiki.
Social media admin
Ensure that updates to the Ceph Twitter, Facebook, and Google+ accounts are occurring with regularity and accuracy.
Events coordinator
Seek out and enable ways to feature Ceph at events (tradeshows, meetups, etc).
Ensure that community participation on the mailing lists and irc is occurring with a minimum of difficulty.


Each month the members of the CUC and the Technical Committee will meet to publicly to discuss the overall direction of Ceph and how each sub-project is doing. These meetings will be held in IRC (#ceph-devel), and are open to the public. List of meetings.


Any changes or additions to this CUC charter doc can be made by a simple majority vote of the CUC itself without the need for additional input from other governing bodies, assuming changes do not impact or impede the Ceph Board or other Ceph Committees.

Committer List

Updated by Jessica Mack about 9 years ago · 2 revisions