


Feature #40909

Updated by Ernesto Puerta almost 5 years ago

In order to get an stable API we can either: 
 - Freeze existing API and allow only additive modifications (i.e.: new Resources, and extensions to the existing Resources under the assumption they don't break anything backwards). 
 - Use versioning for API. 

 The first approach (freezing API + additive changes) results in an ever growing API, where no refactoring is possible and the impact of changes is hard to determine. 

 Most APIs rely on versioning: 
 * URI versioning: @/api/v2/resource@ 
 * Query string versioning: @/api/resource?version=2@ 
 * HTTP Headers: 
 ** Custom Header: @X-Dashboard-Version: 2@ 
 ** MIME-compliant Vendor-specific Media Definition (VND): @Accept: application/vnd.ceph.dashboard.v1+json@ 

 **There is NO need to increment version on ANY change, but only in breaking ones** (from "[ref]": 
 * Removing or renaming APIs or API parameters 
 * Changes in behavior for an existing API (e.g.: changing defaults) 
 * Changes in Error Codes and Fault Contracts 
 * Anything that would violate the Principle of Least Astonishment ones**. 

