


Documentation #36243

Updated by Ernesto Puerta over 5 years ago

h3. Intro 

 This is review of a bunch of tools suitable for documenting the code. This is aimed at complementing the existing doc sources: 
 * Ceph docs (doc/mgr/dashboard.rst): user focus 
 * README: user focus 
 * HACKING.rst: dev focus (introductory) 
 * Swagger API docs: dev focus (as long as API is not meant to be consumed externally). 

 Some missing doc areas would be: 
 * Architecture docs 
 * Implementation docs 

 Both things may be covered with doc generators (Doxygen, Sphinx, etc). Due to the diversity of languages we may find: 
 * **General purpose doc generators** 
 **     "**Sphinx**": is extensively used in Ceph docs. There are different plugins Sphinx has support for JS support, most based on "JSDoc": "sphinx-js": by means of external libraries (not specifically TS or Angular): "sphinx-js": 
 * **Language-specific generatos**: 
 **     "**Compodoc**": is an Angular focused tool for auto-doc'ing, also parsing JSDoc tags. 
 **     "**TypeDoc**": Typescript specific. auto-doc'ing.
